Join a unique supernatural world featuring...
A Feudal Society
Shapeshifters rule the city of Vancouver as Lords
and Ladies. Political intrigue, backstabbing and corporate
espionage is a way of life for these high profile individuals.
A Thriving Criminal Element
Like all Cities, Vancouver has more mundane crime and
no one is safe from their claws.
Magical Prejudice
Witches have to hide their very existence from the
Magical Investigations Division, a specialized team
that are trained to hunt down and neutralize their threat.
Visitors from the Deep
The strange and unique Undine have a grip on
society that can't be shaken. Be a member of
their Embassy or participate as a human Tribute.
Slice of Life Fantasy
People are welcome to just enjoy the setting. Bring
your stories to life in our unique world!
TtS is an 18+, no word count, original urban fantasy rpg.
Come check us out today!
Touch the Sky