With the Great War, Raduga abandoned their former providences, leaving their holdings unprotected and allowing nature to destroy their creations. During a forgotten time period, the island of Fehér was an island for the convicted criminals of the Raduga Kingdom. They bordered a ship and sailed away, and they resided upon an island of precarious properties. An abandoned structure remains upon the island—the hallmark of the island, and with the recent escape of condemned criminals, the building has once again become the home of prisoners, murderers, and thieves. |
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Unlike the island of Asími, Fehér does not allude to any mystical qualities or provide many benefits to Raduga; however, it served as a home to convicted criminals, whom the Vasiliás did not wish to see. The reason behind choosing Fehér was due to its steep cliffs that resulted in immediate death and the craggy bluffs. Without the proper training, sailors died attempting to access the island. They wrecked their ships upon the rocks, and many began referring to the coast of the island as the Siren’s Call—a deceptive and enchanting illusion that ended tragically with death. |