Feles Terra, known by scientists as FelesTerraII, is a planet very far away. Scientists are fascinated by this planet, but why? Well, I'll tell you why.
On Feles Terra, the development of life has gone a bit... Differently.
To put it into perspective, let's look at our own lovely green marble. Humans have developed Self-Consiousness, created complex cultures and languages, and created lovely religions that explain life in a series of wonderful events- Some said religions governing the way the Culture works!
Now, on Feles Terra, things are a little different, but how? Surely, people could be the only intelligent species in the universe, right? No. On this planet, Big Cats have taken on the role of dominant species! There are three different Races, all situated on their very own continents. One group is situated in an Antarctic area, one is situated in a North American-esque setting, and the third is settled in an Egyptian-like area. The three of them have no idea that the other groups exist... But not for long!
The water level is going down, slowly revealing landbridges. Though they are incomplete now, soon they will be fully crossable. When the three peoples meet eachother, they will have an extreme language barrier between them. Will this create hostilities... Or a hunger to learn?
Only your characters can decide that! So join us now, or forever hold your peace...